August 29, 2023 | 7:30 pm
Attendance: Joe, Katie, Andrea, David, Maureen, Telowa, Jordan
Landscaping Issues:
Problem property still not cutting the lower part and side of the yard. Property Management will send another letter explaining areas he has to cut.
HOA voted unanimously that if the problem is not addressed within 5 days of Property Management’s letter to have the grass cut and fine the owner in the amount of the bill.
Stop Signs:
The vendor has the signs but wants to meet with Joe & Property Management before installing.
Sign placement will be in NCDOT right of way and we will try our hardest to place them in the most non-invasive place possible so as to not interfere with member yards and driveways.
Draw up a map and send it out to the neighborhood with a letter letting them know when and where the signs are going up.
Welcoming Committee:
Two new neighbors in the neighborhood need to be welcomed
Instead of knocking on doors we will send a letter with gift cards from local businesses, this is less intrusive and does not put committee members in uncomfortable situations.
Landscaping at front:
clean up the landscaping in front:
clean out dead flowers and grass.
remove mulch and lay down weed fabric & edging
replace mulch with new mulch: have bags delivered?
Several board members have volunteered to do this work to cut costs, we will meet in the morning on 9/24 with 10/1 as our rainout date
Andrea contacted property management about dues letters, and will follow up with him about it.
Funds have been low with a lot of outstanding dues payments.
Update: on 8/31 Andrea contacted group with update from property management: There are now only four members that have not paid dues however some have payments pending
The board would love if we could have the neighborhood participate more for halloween and hope it would be another opportunity to create community! If we set a date and time for halloween and trick-or-treating in the community maybe we will have a higher turn out.
To Do: Katie & Jordan have volunteered to coordinate
Set Date & Time: Saturday Before Halloween - what time?
Send poll on fb to see what time works
Print a sign & send out email with date and time.
Yard Sale:
create a poll to see when the next one should be
Annual Meeting:
Notify all Board Members that they are required to attend the annual meeting.
Hold Elections for at least one new member.
Give 30 Days notice to all community members - Send out notice by 9/11
This year we will hold the meeting via zoom since only 2 community members showed up to the in person meeting last year.
Meeting Time: 10/9/23 @ & 7:30
Board will meet on Tuesday 9/26 7:30 pm to confirm the agenda and plan discussion.