Good Afternoon Neighbors!
Since being voted in this February, the newly appointed HOA Board has been very busy and wanted to take the opportunity to share what we have been working on with you! The following is a list of ongoing and completed projects, as well as some upcoming events:
In progress:
Neighborhood Sign Update
Road Repair/Repaving
Working with the Sheriff's department to watch for speeders if signs don’t help
Erosion Issue Resolution
Unpopular Covenant/Rule Revision: Trash Cans, Trailers, Fences.
Overgrown areas in Phase One & the house owned by Zillow.
Improving coordination with the management company so letters to community members aren’t sent out unnecessarily.
Community Website:
HOA Board Email Address:
Potholes/shoulder erosion patched at neighborhood entrance
25mph speed limit sign added to the front of the neighborhood
Welcoming Committee Created
Architectural Review Submission Form
Solar Lights Added to Entrance Signs
Street Signs Straightened by DOT (again)
Will follow up with DOT as needed as this is an ongoing issue
Upcoming Events:
Board Meeting: Sunday June 5, 2022 @ 4:00pm, agenda items TBA
Community Meeting: TBD
For more information on these projects and more check out our new community website We will be posting all meeting notes, agendas, updates, events, and neighborhood information here in the coming weeks! One of our board members has volunteered to do this work for free so please bear with us as we add new content and features.
The website is a member based site, so only neighborhood members will be able to request an account and view certain content. To request a membership head over to and use code EN328757 at signup!
Lastly, in the past a few homeowners expressed their wish to hold a vote disbanding the Homeowner’s Association; however, the petition that was submitted to the previous board has been ruled invalid by the management company as there were several signatures from members of the same household and former residents. Therefore, in order for this vote to be held, another petition requesting to disband the HOA would need to be submitted to the board and management company. Please see the community’s covenants for further rules & regulations on this process and note that even if the HOA is dissolved the covenants would still be in effect with the management company in complete control. In the event that a valid petition is submitted we will hold a community meeting to explain the legal process and expenses involved with disbanding the HOA to our members, as this would be a very lengthy and costly legal process, we want to make sure all of our homeowners have a clear understanding of what this process entails. After that, we would then schedule a time for the vote to be held.
Our board’s main goal is to make sure our members are well informed and up to date; we're here to answer your questions, hear your suggestions, and address your concerns wherever we can. We really appreciate the opportunity to serve this community and hope we can help keep our community a wonderful place to live. As always, we hope you all are doing well and hope to see you out and about in the neighborhood as the weather gets warmer!
Best Wishes!
Your Eagles Nest Phase III HOA Board
Joe Durant, President
David Cox, Vice President
Jordan Booth, Secretary
Andrea Ford, Treasurer
Allie Harrold, Architectural Committee
Katie Blaha, Architectural Committee
Telowa Coleman, Architectural Committee
Josh Croy, Board Member